By Jess Cerra
And had a lot to show for it on my face! I felt like I was in the adult version of the tortoise and the hare lesson as I slowly creeped out of my shell through the first 50 miles. • I’ve heard the legendary tales of Rock Cobbler for years, but had to attend myself to understand its more of an “experience” than a race. Easily comparable to the 50-80 mile mountain bike races I used to do (on a mountain bike, mind you) but with a 6-7ish mile uphill road/gravel section (read: time trial). That’s when the hare in me came alive to conquer the remaining 35 miles. • A big thanks to my sounding board and road trip buddy @kathypruitt and my awesome, supportive @coureurcycling teammates! As well as all the volunteers slaving away at aid stations and throughout the course keeping us safe on the dicey sections, AND for the brilliant course markings. This event had community written all over it!

Nice work, Jess! Them shenanigans are no joke.