The Feed.
With over 250 brands, The Feed makes it easy to order what you already know works or try new things to ease any gastric issues. Freshness, flavor and single-serving product options allow you to pick the very best in hydration, fueling and recovery. Plus who wants to eat twelve bars of the same flavor! You can save money by just getting what you really want. If you are more of a stock pantry kind of person, then make a big one-time order. If you want to make sure you have the freshest stuff and mix up flavors and products, then choose a subscription and get the freshest products delivered every 4 weeks.
We are passionate about helping people perform their best. Every athlete, every event and every sport is unique. For athletes seeking one-on-one guidance in their nutrition choices, an email or simple click or will enable customers to chat in real time with one of The Feed’s coaches to guide you through the process and fine tune your nutrition needs.