welcome to COUREUR
We are thrilled that you would like to join the ranks of Coureur and assist us in our mission to enthusiastically spread the joy of bikes and distribute positivity throughout the community.
The team enjoys a lot of benefits, besides wearing the coolest kit in town. Coureurs
end up getting great deals on bikes and gear, but the real benefits of Coureur is more
spiritual in nature. It’s about being a part of the future of cycling, a collective that’s
modeling the grit, the tenacity, and the camaraderie that defines us.
Coureur has an ethos of inclusion and community… a club that’s growing cycling by
having a happy disrespect for the usual way of riding a bike and/or running a team.
We’re smashing tradition and enhancing the fun—the glory of riding everywhere, on
every terrain, of riding hard, and riding with everyone. When you wear a Coureur kit,
you’re an ambassador of stoke. You’re stoked, and you’re part of a community that’s
dedicated to sharing the stoke with each other and everyone who comes along. And,
when the wind kicks up, we take the front…where we wave at every passerby.
When you join Coureur, you’re joining a cause. Our jersey is our flag, and we carry it
and embody its meaning wherever we ride.
Which is everywhere. creating a new reality. . .
We seek to create an exclusive Canyon team—one that is unlike the other clubs around SoCal, but rather a tribe of elite, like-minded, quality people who happen to be excellent riders as well… the ones who ride the front of the group or race and win sometimes. Or, in other cases, riders who just represent the spirit of cycling in recognizably positive ways, like being the ones who stop to fix others’ flats, cheer others on and give a wave to everyone they encounter out on the highways and byways.